55 $
Price for 1000🔗 Enter the server link or links. (For multiple links, use a "-" dash between them.) 💬 Example Link: https://discord.gg/xxxxxx 💬 Multiple Links: https://discord.gg/1-https://discord.gg/2-https://discord.gg/3 Example for a single link: https://prnt.sc/ew4-7uln4Ckb Example for multiple links: https://prnt.sc/YRCOqdX8i9jF 📨 Write your message in the "Groups" box. (Create a different order for each message.) ❗️❗️ When your message is long, it can be difficult to beat. Therefore, write your message in the shortest possible way. ✅ Messages are only sent to online members. It is not sent to all members of the server. ✅ If the number of members in the links you entered is less than the order amount, "Partial Complete." ✅ The more server links you add, the faster we can complete it. 🔓 The server must not have "Member Bot Verification" or "Spam Blocker Bot". 🔓 Verification Level must be turned off. ❗️ There is No Refund/Compensation in case of Invitation Limit or Deletion. ⏳ It starts in an average of 0-24 hours and is completed in 12 hours after it starts.